How do I stop craving ___________? Will I ever stop craving __________?
Unfortunately, the answer to these questions are, you can't and no. But that's okay, let's talk about why and how to handle cravings when they do come up!
It is human nature to crave things. We crave food, we crave material things, we crave more time... by nature we want things. So the goal is not to never have a food craving, the goal is to have strategies to handle food cravings. Part of that, is getting to know yourself and understanding the food craving. This is where the idea of willpower comes in, but it's deeper than, you just don't have enough willpower.
Here are some different strategies:
1. Get curious about the craving:
Before just diving in and having it, ask some questions about why you are craving that specific food.
Have I eaten enough today?
Am I thirsty?
What emotion am I feeling right now? What would that food satisfy? Is there something else non food related that would give me that feeling?
2. After digging in and understanding the reasoning for the craving:
If you haven't eaten or drank enough, have something else first.
Have a small serving of the food you are craving.
Do something else, like taking a walk, calling a friend, reading a book.
Ever notice when you focus on getting rid of a food craving, it seems like you want it even more and more, then we either overindulge in that or overindulge in something healthy? The constant trying to make it go away is giving the craving the power, when the ultimate goal is to take the power away from the craving by understanding it more. That gives you more control and mindfulness to make a decision that is more aligned with your goal and your need in the moment.
Which is the next part of understanding and overcoming food cravings. Your WHY has to be bigger than the desire for the food.
Ask these questions:
Why am I trying to eat healthy or lose weight?
Does this food align with my goal and is it really worth it to me?
Is my why motivated by something internal or external?
I say this as if it is a simple concept, but in reality it takes A LOT of practice, so be patient with yourself and be kind to yourself if you keep "failing". It's normal for a new habit to take time. Someone once said, it's like a muscle, you have to keep exercising it to build it!
The biggest thing, is don't fight the food craving, because you are fighting human nature and it will just continue to build and build. That's when our ALL OR NOTHING thinking takes over, and we go off the rails! That's another topic for another day!
Continuing to practice and build these strategies are key in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That is where the benefit of working with a health coach can come in! I am here to help you learn and practice these skills so you are able to reach your goals and maintain them on your own. If you want to learn more on how to overcome food cravings, schedule a free consultation!