Weight loss is hard, let's just put that out there first thing. I talk about weight loss day in and day out, so at times it may seem I believe it's simple, but I can tell you losing and maintaining 115 lbs has been one of the most challenging journeys of my life. So here's some lessons I learned along the way that I also now apply in my coaching sessions.
1. Weight loss is the easier part, weight maintenance is tough
One of the biggest causes of relapse I've seen is when a client believes once they get to their goal they can go back to their old habits. Weight loss isn't about a goal, it's about a lifestyle change that truly lasts a lifetime. Weight loss also comes with weekly wins and motivations to keep up with the habits, but at maintenance, mindfulness becomes a key factor. It is something that becomes easier with time but it never stops being something you have to think about.
2. All or Nothing Thinking is enemy number one
I ate a cookie, I might as well eat the whole sleeve now. I had a day off track, I might as well restart Monday. I am going to exercise 7 days a week and only eat chicken & broccoli. I had a cheat meal, I might as well have a cheat day or weekend. All of these thoughts can truly make or break a weight loss journey. Learning to set realistic goals, let go of "missteps" and as I like to say, chuck it in the F* it bucket and move on. You aren't going to be perfect, and if you strive to be perfect, it's gonna be too hard.
3. Do it for YOU
Sure, we all want to look good for a high school reunion, a family member's wedding, a significant other, etc etc etc. Those are great jumping off points, but they won't last long-term. You have to do it for YOU and only YOU. Think about your WHY and I'm going to tell you now, it does not matter what your why is, as long as it's important to you. Something that keeps me motivated is never having to shop in the plus sized clothing section again. Why they make all female plus sized clothes floral, I'll never know. So here's the deal, even it seems insignificant, vain, silly or whatever word you want to toss on it, that isn't coming from YOU. Do it for YOU!
4. Make peace with you body
After my own weight loss and six years as a health and wellness coach, I can tell you body image is one of the things I wish I could change in society. For years, I avoided losing weight because all I could think of was the extra skin I would have from losing 100+ lbs. Well guess what, I have loose skin and I'm fine with it. It's just a body and my body can do so many things it couldn't before, so I love it. I don't care what it looks like because it doesn't determine the quality of my life.
5. Don't follow trends
Trends change CONSTANTLY. Like day after day there is a new trend, a new superfood, a new magic something that will change your life and make weight loss easy. I am here to fully burst that bubble, no it won't. There are plenty of superfoods that hurt my stomach and make me sick, so it can't be that super right!? Listen to your own body. Health is individual and looks different for everyone, so just ignore those trends and do what feels good to you!
6. Celebrate your wins, no matter how big or "small"
I'm telling you right now and you better listen, no win is "too small". The more you celebrate the wins, the more you boost your belief that you can do it! Clients always think I'm buttering them up when I say, you came to your appointment today, that is a win. Something to know about me, I don't say things just to say them, EVER. Coming to an appointment means you took time out of your day to focus on yourself, that's a win. Just because your expectations of yourself are high, doesn't mean they are realistic. Celebrate everything you do because positivity breeds more positivity.
7. What works for one person doesn't always work for another person
One thing I cannot stand in the health and wellness culture right now is everyone is so confident they have the right answer for everyone, and they say it so loudly that people feel they are failures if they can't live up to an unrealistic standard or expectation. Flexibility is key in a health journey. I don't meal prep every meal for 7 days a week. By day 3, I'm so tired of eating the same thing, I'll end up eating nothing. So I learned, meal prep dinner for 3 days and then do it again for 3 days. Adapt & adjust to you. Just because INFLUENCER A says this, it does not mean that it is right for you. Listen to yourself!
8. If you want sustainable weight loss, look at your whole life
Weight loss is not just about what you eat. It encompasses a whole person, meaning your sleep, stress, self-care, physical activity, mindset, work/life balance... all of it matters. You could be eating awesome, but your stress level is through the roof, you don't sleep more than 5 hours a night and you never take time for yourself... you may feel better because you are eating good foods, but you may see weight gain or increased emotional eating. It's more than just a number on a scale to live a healthy lifestyle.
9. Physical activity does not have to be structured exercise
I get bored with the same old routine over and over again. While I was going though my personal weight loss, I started with just get up and move around the room more. When that felt easier, I started dancing to my favorite songs. When that was easier, I went hiking more often. Eventually, I started going to the gym because I wanted to not because I thought I had to. Just move your body, it doesn't have to be anything crazy!
10. It's not about the number on the scale
I'm going to tell you something and I mean it, I don't care what the number on the scale is. I care how my body feels, if I feel comfortable in my clothes, if I run out of breath too quickly, if my quality of life is decreasing, if I am not eating aligned with my food values, if I am out of my element. During a weight loss journey, the scale is just data to show if you are doing the things to help you improve your health and reach you goal. Your worth is truly not determined by that number. During my weight loss, I'd weigh myself once every couple months, because I knew if I was doing all the right things, it would happen. Don't put all your focus on the scale number. I tell all my clients, you'll see your goal weight one time and then it will fluctuate up and down forever after that one time. That's normal, that's why the scale number isn't that important.
Yes, weight loss is hard but I can tell you from personal experience it was one of the most rewarding journeys I have embarked on in my life and it is something I am always proud of myself for. I'm a health coach because I want to change the narrative and approach in the health & wellness industry. I want everyone to see that a healthy lifestyle is possible for them no matter what.