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Self-Care When You Aren’t Feeling Your Best

In our current culture, self-care is increasingly necessary, but it is hard to squeeze in the time without a lingering sense of guilt about all the other productive things you could be doing. Add in some additional stressors like a break-up, a job loss or change, a move, an ill family member, etc. that need increases but the time and energy decreases. So we often turn to quick sources of “treat yourself” self-care. Overindulging in spending, eating, drinking, social media scrolling and all of those other things that tend to monopolize our time and energy. 

In our effort to decompress and feel better, oftentimes we end up feeling more drained, more stressed, more tired, less healthy and the concept of self-care continues to feel and seem further away. 

Treating ourselves is not synonymous with self-care. Self-care is about feeling healthier, more energized, more relaxed, overall just better. Even though this often takes intentionality and planning the overall benefit outweighs the additional effort. It’s overcoming our natural desire to do what is quick and easy when we are already exhausted, but it will be worth it. 

So how do you add it in when you are already overwhelmed? Start with small things. Schedule 15 minutes a day that is just YOUR time - read a book, make a healthy snack, soak in a quick bath - do something that is just for YOU. After a little time and reflection on if you are benefiting from the time, add in another 15 minutes. Slowly increase your time until you feel it’s good for you! 

Not sure where you’ll find the time? It’s sometimes a hard pill to swallow, but check your screen time on your cell phone. That can be a huge wakeup call of the time we could be doing something for ourselves. When you do, plan to be compassionate to yourself. 

Self-care is a HUGE part of a healthy lifestyle and a goal I often work to have clients set, because it affects our overall well-being and can be beneficial on our journey to a healthy lifestyle. 

So this week, set 15 minutes aside daily to give back to you, especially if you are going through a tough time. 

Quote: Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others

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